Welcome to Dr. Liting Hu's Experimental and Virtualized Systems (ELVES) Lab

Our lab conducts experimental computer systems research in the areas of stream processing systems, cloud and edge computing, distributed systems, machine learning systems, and systems virtualization. Examples include stream processing systems (with Spark Streaming, Storm, Flink), identifying threats (e.g., fake news, rumors, social bots) in online social networks, developing machine learning techniques for systems, container as a service (with Docker and Kubernetes), and resource management in large-scale data centers (with Xen and KVM).

Our lab aims to train students towards becoming first-class system researchers and system builders. We are looking for passionate new Ph.D. students, Postdocs, and master students to join the team! See openings.

We are grateful to the following federal agencies and Institutes for supporting our research efforts.


September 2023:

Dr. Liting Hu serves as the PC committee at USENIX ATC 2024. Please consider submitting your work.

September 2023:

Our work on federated learning systems got accepted to EuroSys 2024!

August 2023:

Dr. Liting Hu is thrilled to announce that a Lead PI grant is awarded from NSF CNS to support her research on serverless edge computing systems ($600K). Thank you NSF!

January 2023:

Dr. Liting Hu serves as the PC committee at ICS 2023. Please consider submitting your work.

December 2022:

Dr. Liting Hu serves as the PC committee at USENIX ATC 2023. Please consider submitting your work.

June 2022:

Dr. Liting Hu is thrilled to announce that a Sole PI grant is awarded from NSF OAC to support her research on container orchestration systems ($320K). Thank you NSF!

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